LibreOffice Swag/Merchandise Bulk Purchase?

Seeing a discussion of this. I would like to propose something here.

Why not setup an e-commerce site for people that want to purchase swag
outside of contests as their way of donating so to speak to the TDF.

I am versed in setting up word press as an E-Commerce Site, and can get it
to interface with the TDF's PayPal.


Already being investigated but legal issues with non profit status is an issue. We are all hoping it happens though :slight_smile:


Again Joel I would like to offer my experiences and knowhow from what I am learning through my thesis in regards to E-commerce as well setting up a website as such too.

Joel I was thinking

Couldn’t we classify the swag according to donation level and then whenever someone donates let’s say 20 euros they get a mug etc.


Again Joel I would like to offer my experiences and knowhow from what I
am learning through my thesis in regards to E-commerce as well setting
up a website as such too.

Joel I was thinking

Couldn’t we classify the swag according to donation level and then
whenever someone donates let’s say 20 euros they get a mug etc.

I propose to move this discussion to the marketing list, and come back with a concrete proposal to the board list, in order to not be offtopic.


Sorry :slight_smile: