We at the de-discuss list thought it would be a good idea to have everyone contributing to LibO on one map, filterable by skills etc.
=> Do you like the idea?
I do not want any discussion about Open Source vs Closed source or NSA vs German Server or, which is likely more important, Google Maps vs OSM....
Nevertheless I will refer to the solutions created by Robert G. and myself as OSM and GMaps....
OSM: http://robert.familiegrosskopf.de/map/map.html
GMaps: http://florei-libo.115.at/DE/map/ [The ads are, because it is a free web server]
As my solution is the GMaps solution I will point out the positive things of this solution and the negative things of OSM:
== GMaps ==
+Easy to use API
+Looks clean
+Good look and feel on tablets
+Can use name and city as location ("Hamburg, Deutschland") [Also local names as you see here]
== OSM ==
-No gestures on tablets
-Need to search for the coordinates somewhere
[Cannot tell about the API, as I did the other]
=> Please comment here for other advantages or disadvantages, please make sure to have a llook at it on a tablet as this is the big downsiode of OSM IMHO
=> Please comment which skills we should list
=> Should we list the different languages
There are three use-cases:
1) Display the UI for the user
2) Add data to MySQL table
3) Make sure data is up-to-date
If we do GMaps, I will do the best for the UI part, but I need help to set up a JS-array from a MySQL-table... If we do OSM, I likely won't do it, but feel free to choose OSM
=> Anyone helping with use-cases?
=> Any further comments?
[Heading to football game now]