LibreOffice 24.8 formatting problem in Windows version

I need some help on this one.

There appears to be a problem with spacing and formatting in LibreOffice when using LO 24.8 in Windows 11.
I created the Draw Guide using macOS. I then tested the file in Ubuntu and Windows 11 to see if there are any problems. Ubuntu was just like the macOS version. In Windows 11 it looks like spacing has been added to heading styles and around figure frames. This obviously changes the formatting of the whole document and adds pages. macOS and Ubuntu versions have 377 pages. The Windows 11 version has 421 pages because of the increased spacing.

Does anybody have a clue as to what is happening?

All my computers are connected to the same printer and I am using Export as PDF in LibreOffice to create a PDF file.


Maybe some option on Menu/Tools/Options/LibreOffice Writer/Compatibility.

@PeeWee As @mariosv said, the problem is in one or more of the options in the compatibility settings. If the settings on one computer differ from the settings on another, you will get that effect. Make a note of the settings on your Mac and then change the Windows settings to suit. That should solve the problem.

Thank you Miguel

It was one option in Tools/Options/Compatibility. The top one in the list “add spacing between paragraphs and tables”.
The Windows version is now identical to the macOS version.


Peter Schofield
Technical Writer, LO Documentation Team

Hello Jean

It was one option in Tools/Options/Compatibility. The top one in the list “add spacing between paragraphs and tables”.
The Windows version is now identical to the macOS version.
Thanks to Miguel who pointed me in the right direction.


Peter Schofield
Technical Writer, LO Documentation Team