Invitation and agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, 2024-06-03, 1600 UTC (1800 Berlin time)

Dear Community,

I hereby invite you to our next TDF board meeting which takes place on Monday, 2024-06-03, 1600 UTC (1800 Berlin time) at


  • Daylight savings are in effect, so there is a new UTC time
  • Please note the slightly changed meeting time (15 minutes earlier than in the past)
  • We’re using the Jitsi room again, not BigBlueButton
  • Calls will not be recorded anymore
  • Meetings are planned to take place only once per month, but for two hours each
  • This meeting is structured around decisions rather than discussions. Please note the papers and proposed motions are intended for discussion and not as “fait accompli”.
  • For time zone conversion, see e.g. Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator


Public section

A1. Questions and answers from the community (5 minutes)
A2. Status update from the board (5 minutes)
A3. Planning of regular community sessions (15 minutes)
A4. Update on tenders and growth of ecosystem (10 minutes)
A5. Update on the budget (10 minutes)
A6. Status update LibOCon (5 minutes)
A7. Translation of meeting minutes (10 minutes)
A8. Status update from the project, the ecosystem and the team (10 minutes)
A9. First anonymous community survey on board work, TDF and LibreOffice (10 minutes)
A10. Status update in-person board and team meeting (5 minutes)

Trustee/members-only section

  • Nothing for this meeting.

Board and MC only section

  • B1. Open informal calls to the public (10 minutes)
  • B2. Legal calls (15 minutes)
  • B3. Review of pending motions (10 minutes)


Eliane Domingos,