improving templates and extension website

(Note: Reply-to has been set to on purpose.)


as you may know, TDF's board is currently evaluating to invest some resources into improving our Plone websites, notably templates and extension. To know what the most pushing issues are, I have sent an e-mail recently, asking what you would like to see fixed or improved.

So far, the feedback has been rather low - which to me means there are no problems, which I doubt. :wink:

I'd like to reach out again to all of you, asking for feedback. What would you like to have fixed in the Plone sites? What needs to be improved?

Please give us your feedback in the Etherpad at, or on the website mailing list.

Thanks a lot in advance,

Hi Florian,

I am curious why Plone and not Drupal ? I am biased as I was a VP with
Acquia and know Dries and the gang well.... there might be some leverage
between the communities. If I can assist in making the connections I would
be happy.

I am also pleased to let you know that ProjectLibre passed 500,000
downloads in our first full year. The response has been excellent
replacing Microsoft Project. We share a lot in common as the Office Suite
includes this....... Great job! If I can be of assistance let me know.
It would be great to touch base next week regardless......

