How to Make Korean pages on

I’m Korean LibreOffice User & LibreOffice Korean Team leader DaeHyun Sung.

I entered url and the browser is redirecting to english documentation page English documentation | LibreOffice Documentation - LibreOffice User Guides

How to make Korean pages? I’m a full-access LibreOffice Korean Translator and LibreOffice Korean Team Leader.

Hi DaeHyun Sung

The website redirects missing pages to the English pages. To have a Korean page we need a /ko/ page in the site for Silverstripe.

I created the ko/ page in Silverstripe and left it empty for you to fill the contents. You must have access to Silverstripe to be able to edit the Documentation website.

Kind regards

@Olivier: You have mentioned “Silverstripe”. I do not see anything about “Silverstripe” on LibreOffice Localization Guide - The Document Foundation Wiki. Does that page need an update?

Hello Regina

SilverStripe is a content management system (CMS) that holds the LibreOffice National Language community websites as well as the Documentation website.

SilverStripe contents are not related directly with the localization/translation of LibreOffice (the software and Help). Instead, these pages are usually managed by community leaders and active supporters.


I found it on the “KO” tab on the site .

How to access the Silverstripe repository? I don’t find repository.