Hackfest travel refund

Hello everyone,

as I've just managed to arrange the travel refunds for the Conference, it's now time to take care of the Hackfest. :wink:

In case you want to apply for a travel refund for the Hackfest, please send

  1. your travel receipt
  2. your hotel receipt
  3. the form at http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/File:SPI_reimbursement_request.pdf (*please* ask your bank what needs to be filled in, most likely *not* your normal bank data!)

to treasurer@documentfoundation.org for consideration. In total, the board has approved 3.000 € for the Hackfest, and is happy to consider valid travel requests.

If possible, please send your requests in before Christmas, so we can close this in 2012. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot,