German Base Handbuch 7.5 published

I have just published the latest German Base Handbuch (version LO 7.5) on

Compared to the previous version of the manual, the following sections have been added, in addition to small additions.

  • Include Thunderbird address book via SQLite (chapter “Create database”)
  • Accessing database files in the cloud (chapter “Creating a database”)
  • Bugs and workarounds with various database connections (chapter “Creating a database”)
  • Bugs and workarounds in the Report Designer (chapter “Reports”)
  • Window functions in Firebird (chapter “Appendix”)



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Thank you for that Robert.


Dear Robert:

My name is Mariano Casanova. In 2010 I wrote a tutorial for Base called: “From Newbie to Advocate in a one, two… three!” with technical assistance by Drew Jensen, thanks to the support from Jean Hollis Weber, who quickly connected us.

This tutorial received very good reviews and saw more than 60.000 downloads in the first five years. Clayton University (Georgia, USA) even adopted some of its chapters as required reading for their online MA in Archival Studies (ARS1500), a real honor.

Celia Palacios, a documentation volunteer seated in Mexico, DF, approached me with the idea of making a Spanish translation of this tutorial. In the process, we have discovered some surprises in the expected output working with a sample database. We have been told that you are currently the foremost expert in Base and would be really grateful if we could get your input regarding these issues and the evolution of Base in general.

We meet on Sundays via Jitsi at 9:00 Mexico City (DF) time. This should be 17:00 in Germany. We would be very happy if you could join us for a conversation.


Mariano Casanova

Hi Mariano,

Celia Palacios, a documentation volunteer seated in Mexico, DF,
approached me with the idea of making a Spanish translation of this
tutorial. In the process, we have discovered some surprises in the
expected output working with a sample database. We have been told
that you are currently the foremost expert in Base and would be
really grateful if we could get your input regarding these issues and
the evolution of Base in general.

I could read English, but I don’t understand much English, if it is
spoken. So it would be better to write down the “surprises” and send the
sample database to me.

This is the same way I’m helping other people in ask.libreoffice: If I
don’t understand the content I put it into DeepL and send back an answer

  • in English, French (I don’t know anything about…), Spanish (like
    French) ….

By the way: I’m updating the Base Handbuch for nearly every new version
of LO. Base Handbuch 24.2 I have published 2024-02-01.



Hello Robert, and thank you for you quick reply.

I will do as you suggest and will email you the questions that we have. I am very appreciative of your help.


Mariano Casanova