FYI: LibreOffice Extensions Templates Website Repository Migrated To Python 3 / Plone 5.2.x


it seemed the LibreOffice project and TDF were (and is) not interested
in my offer for volunteering.
It is also interesting to see, that there were no (in public nor
private) communication from the TDF infra team.

Kind regards,

Hello Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote:

it seemed the LibreOffice project and TDF were (and is) not interested
in my offer for volunteering.
It is also interesting to see, that there were no (in public nor
private) communication from the TDF infra team.

we discussed several times on the phone about this and other topics, so it's sad to hear you feel there was no communication - as it was rather the contrary from my point of view.

I hope when all this Corona madness is over, we will find the opportunity to meet in person and talk things through. I was and am still grateful and happy for your contributions over all these years.


Hello Florian,

Hello Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote:

it seemed the LibreOffice project and TDF were (and is) not interested
in my offer for volunteering.
It is also interesting to see, that there were no (in public nor
private) communication from the TDF infra team.

we discussed several times on the phone about this and other topics,
so it's sad to hear you feel there was no communication - as it was
rather the contrary from my point of view.

a) in my opinion you are not the TDF infra team.

b) it's long time ago that _we_ talked on the phone, if I remember

I hope when all this Corona madness is over, we will find the
opportunity to meet in person and talk things through.

Seemed that this will be earliest next year.

Kind regards,

Hi Andreas,

it seemed the LibreOffice project and TDF were (and is) not interested
in my offer for volunteering.

The desire to migrate the extension site to another system is most
likely nothing new to you, and I'm very sure you understand we we're
*extremely* reluctant to upgrade the frontend + backend (+ OS) of a
*working* solution 1.5 month before migration. (See again rdm#1519 for
background.) The conservative policy applies to all sites managed by
The Document Foundation's infrastructure team.

It is also interesting to see, that there were no (in public nor
private) communication from the TDF infra team.

Any reply to your message would have been a duplicate of rdm#2955#note-1
which remains unanswered.


Proper links?

The ‘rdm#’ prefix stands for .

Hi Guilhem,

Hi Andreas,

it seemed the LibreOffice project and TDF were (and is) not interested
in my offer for volunteering.

The desire to migrate the extension site to another system is most
likely nothing new to you, and I'm very sure you understand we we're
*extremely* reluctant to upgrade the frontend + backend (+ OS) of a
*working* solution 1.5 month before migration. (See again rdm#1519 for
background.) The conservative policy applies to all sites managed by
The Document Foundation's infrastructure team.

if I remember correctly there has not even been an update to the lastest
version of Plone (only compatible with Python 2.7.x). And also the
add-ons of the site has not been updated regularly, even though there
had been made some improvements to support the users of the site.

It is also interesting to see, that there were no (in public nor
private) communication from the TDF infra team.

Any reply to your message would have been a duplicate of rdm#2955#note-1
which remains unanswered.

Yes it had been unanswered and nobody took care of updating the site
with a pure run of buildout from the command line.

And if I myself wouldn't have noticed TDF of an important security fix
the site would have stayed without  that fix for month.

And for Redmine: I had to change my phone during last year's autumn and
(as an old man :wink: ) forgot my password and it's yet impossible to login
to Redmine again, because this wonderful SSO feature, which points to an
email address that someone deleted without notice a longer time ago.

Kind regards,

if I remember correctly there has not even been an update to the lastest
version of Plone (only compatible with Python 2.7.x). And also the
add-ons of the site has not been updated regularly, even though there
had been made some improvements to support the users of the site.
Yes it had been unanswered and nobody took care of updating the site
with a pure run of buildout from the command line.

As written in the aforementioned tickets what you're calling “a pure run
of buildout” was in practice followed by a non-negligible amount of
regression fixes and troubleshooting which we (the infra team) would
have rather spared ourselves as our resources are limited. We're indeed
short on Plone knowledge since your quit maintaining the production

For various reasons the migration happened later than we hoped but it
was decided to go that way >2 years ago, and meanwhile to only apply
critical bug fixes which is a pretty sound policy during a migration
plan. (We were indeed not using the latest and greatest Plone version,
but nonetheless a version still under upstream security support.) You
were fully aware of this and continued development of the old site —
very well but it can't be a surprise that your most recent work (since
late January) was never applied to production; or wasn't applied to
production often enough to your taste.

And if I myself wouldn't have noticed TDF of an important security fix
the site would have stayed without  that fix for month.

That's speculation since you did poke us before hand (thanks again for
that) and the hotfix was applied minutes after its release.

And for Redmine: I had to change my phone during last year's autumn and
(as an old man :wink: ) forgot my password and it's yet impossible to login
to Redmine again, because this wonderful SSO feature, which points to an
email address that someone deleted without notice a longer time ago.

Uh oh. Well you could also have told the infra team that you were
locked out from your Single Sign-On account… My bad, the password
recovery is not meant to work with primary addresses only. Fixed, you
should now be able to regain access to your Single Sign-On account
(hence also to Redmine's web UI).

That said there is some activity from you on rdm#2955 *after* my follow
up questions… (The most recent activity from your account was even 10
days later.) Furthermore Redmine can also be controlled by email,
thereby bypassing SSO: any reply to the Redmine notification makes its
way to the ticket.