find attached further board reports, to outline what has been happening at TDF the last months:
Design: Team is stronger than ever. Kendy, Jay, and others have really done some incredible work.
QA: Really strong team, continuous growth in membership, some creative people who have good skills. Next on the list is documentation for bibisect which we now have for all three platforms. Bug count is down and relatively steady (consistently below 400 - in past times has peaked above 1700). I think that QA more than any other team that we have seen really does a good job on-boarding and keeping people interested.
Certification: Last certification session went very well. The website needs some improvements, which is currently underways, and will also affect the certification section and the listing of certified people.
Documentation: This has been discussed thoroughly. There are still some issues, mostly the need of a leader to drive projects and kick off new ideas. There are discussions to figure out how the BoD can assist.
Marketing: Has just started in March, currently establishing processes to get local marketing communities active.