As long as the judgement is based on listing the pro/contra's.
That other Office suite are delivering their product to whole range of users does say something, IMHO.
Can you get inside those organisations. And do you want to be dependend only large company's.
If those paying for features and functions known outside the company's needs within the community; so creating different priority's
And even used - so tested - by the community.
I'm more from the bottom up approach, instead of going for the big fish.
If those big fish come along, and you can catch them.. please do. Prefer broad user base.
And what should those work from home users use? LibreOffice of Enterprise? Only by example.
I'm lacking a clear picture too. That's the whole point about market analyses. And considering the options and argue about them.
Also include synergy effects. And costs having an off-the-shelf product. Risk of people using the wrong product. SMB version at Enterprise level.
Italo Vignoli might have some show cases what I try to tell.. even if the whole investigation of the market and the and assessment of everything can be subjective somewhat subjective.
It will be best guesses after all. However major point is you're overthinking lots aspects. And you are aware of those. Business Plans are no holy grail. Only tools to help you market something.
Preventing trying thing at random, in the hopes to succeed. If you could have known in advance it won't.