I haven’t gone through your edits in detail, but it’s clear that they would change the writing style in a direction that is very different from the style used in many of the other chapters in the book. Awhile ago several other contributors (in particular, @PeeWee Peter) chose to minimize the use of “you.” The Writer chapter already uses “you” more than several other chapters do, but for internal book consistency it’s probably best not to rewrite to increase that use. [If you wish to debate this usage, please start another thread.]
Things needing updating that you missed:
(pages 6-7) New item on Status bar: Status of the Accessibility Check. Need new images (copy from WG Ch1?), and add small description in list below the figures.
(pages 8-0) New deck in Sidebar: Accessibility. Also, order of icons on right has changed. Add new item to this list and to the decriptions. (copy from WG Ch1?)
(page 45) I suggest adding something brief about two new features: Accessibility checking and document themes, referring reader to Writer Guide.
Other changes in Writer (or LO in general) do not appear to affect things covered in this chapter. Some may affect the chapter on styles and templates.
General observation: I think this chapter could use a few more illustrations and perhaps more detail on some topics, though I have not taken the time to identify which might be useful. Writer is the most-used component of LibreOffice, and its user base includes the largest proportion of casual, non-technical users, so IMO this chapter should be a bit more detailed in ways useful to that audience. The very brief mentions of more advanced features still seem appropriate to me.
I encourage you to have another go at this chapter.