Farewell and thank you to Marina, Björn, Eike, Kendy, Simon and Osvaldo


as of today, Marina, Björn, Eike, Kendy, Simon and Osvaldo are leaving the board.

I want to thank all of you both personally and on behalf of the community for your work, dedication, passion and your longtime service in the board of The Document Foundation, for all you did and for all your support and service. We've all grown massively in the past years, exciting events and developments took place.

TDF will always be a part of your life and you will always be a part of TDF - and I'm sure our paths will cross again!

Grazie, danke, děkuji, thank you!

As one of the new BoD members I would like to thank and congratulate those who are leaving the BoD for all the work and effort they have put in. Without their commitment and effort we would not be where we are. Thank you all very much.

On the other hand, I want you to know that I am very grateful that the community has given me this opportunity, I feel very supported. I will dedicate my time and effort not to let you down as nothing matters to me more than to face this new challenge successfully so that we continue to grow.

as of today, Marina, Björn, Eike, Kendy, Simon and Osvaldo are leaving
the board.

I want to thank all of you both personally and on behalf of the
community for your work, dedication, passion and your longtime service
in the board of The Document Foundation, for all you did and for all
your support and service. We've all grown massively in the past years,
exciting events and developments took place.

TDF will always be a part of your life and you will always be a part of
TDF - and I'm sure our paths will cross again!

Look forward to that :slight_smile:
Many thanks all for the good time together and the work done, Osvaldo,
Björn, Marina, Simon, Eike, Kendy !
