Just a reminder to all,
If your group is planning an event, please let the marketing team know of this event or email me details of the event(s) directly. The marketing calendar team will make sure to post it on our very public wiki/website calendars[1][2] (note that both calendars contain the same information and the details are in EN -- we will help translate the event if needed).
Also, there is a wiki events calendar page where you can add the events yourself. Some of the nl (native language) groups are doing a great job of maintaining their calendars.[3] Even then, if you are adding events to your nl calendar, let the marketing list know of any events and the marketing calendar team will make sure it shows on our wiki/website calendars.
[1] http://www.libreoffice.org/about-us/libreoffice-international-events-calendar/
[2] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/EventsCalendar
[3] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Events