en-US vs. en-UK

Hello all-

It appears there’s a difference of opinion on whether we are working in en-US or en-UK in producing LO guides.

Both the style guide and the producing user guides pages refer to working in US English (exception: punctuation) and configuring LibreOffice to en-US locale.

I know these pages aren’t fully up to date with changes in process, however…

The whole point of the style guide is to have some level of consistency in the writing approach of different writers.

I don’t really care what the correct answer is here. In my opinion, we should all be using the same locale at least for the same version of the guides we’re producing – and the style guide pages should be updated to reflect any change in approach.



I have consistently maintained, for over 15 years, that any one book should be internally consistent (if possible), but although it’s desirable for all books to be consistent with each other, we should not make that a requirement. UI selection is only one of several consistency issues.


To be clear, I have no objection to changing the guidelines from US English UI to UK English UI, if that’s what the group prefers. If that means changes to some existing books, those changes can be done during the next update.

When I update a book, I always check everything in detail, because many UI terminology changes are not listed in the Release Notes.


It is no problem for me to use US-English I think only Peter uses UK.


The default language for LibreOffice user interface and Help is en-US. Also, all our web services and development are carried in en-US.

En-US is available in all installations, as fall-back language.

I believe we should stick to en-US to be consistent with the screenshots and terms taken from the software.
