Presents: Dione Maddern, Mashuk Reza, Olivier
General Info:
Doc team Telegram - group
Doc team in TDF Jitsi
Doc team pad for minutes
Completed Actions Items:
Investigate Deck cards in Nexctcloud (DM + Olivier)
Test is on GS252
- test positive,
- workflow consistent
- Replciate to Calc Guide
Pending Action Items:
AI: Chapter 15 Getting Started (Mashuck)
AI: Review Ch 2 Calc Guide (Olivier)
AI: Create the Deck board for Calc Guide 252 (Olivier)
Help pages
- Help page for Data Provider (Olivier)
- improvements in user interface
- reported bugs in the feature
- Help page for Data Provider (Olivier)
Getting Started Guides
- Chapter 14 - Peer Review and Editing complete. Added to Published folder.( DM)
- Chapter 1: Currently Reviewing. (DM)
Calc Guide
- Chapter 2 - Received feedback from Mike Kaganski re. the “Numbers as Text” content. Incorporated into Chapter 2. Ready for Peer Review. (DM)
- Draft list of Keystroke notations and symbols for possible inclusion in the Wiki.
- Feedback?
- It would be good to standardize these across the User Guides.
- Need to check if using unicode symbols is accessible for people using screen readers.
- Tried to restrict symbols to those the average user would be familar with. DM
Nextcloud Deck app
- Access at
- Contact Olivier or Dione if you need help.
- Add instructions to Wiki?
- update How-to for guides in wiki, using Decks (?)
Next meeting:
- Fridays at 15:00 UTC.