[DECISION] Revoke "public vote resolution on TDC (The Document Collective)"


the following decision, which was taken in private on 2024-07-19, is now made public in accordance with our statutes.

@elianedomingos wrote:

Based on the discussions we had during the in-person board meeting in Munich, the 24th of June 2024, I hereby call for the following VOTE:

The board revokes the “public vote resolution on TDC (The Document Collective)”, taken on October 7, 2019: [VOTE] public vote resolution on TDC (The Document Collective) - #11 by floeff

This vote runs 72h from now.

The Board of Directors at the time of voting consists of 7 seat holders (not including deputies). In order to be quorate, the vote needs to have 1/2 or more of the Board of Directors members, which gives 4.

A total of 6 Board of Directors members have participated in the vote.

The vote is quorate.

Result of vote:
6 approvals: Eliane, Sophie, Osvaldo, Simon, Italo, Laszlo; deputies Paolo and Mike support the motion as well
0 abstain
0 disapprovals

Decision: The proposal has been accepted.


It is well known that some members of a previous board severely retaliated some members of the team and the community. This happened when you had concerns over the TDC vote. This is the vote that the board now had to revoke, which TDF’s lawyer recommended already four years ago.

All of you warned the board four years ago. You told us about significant issues with the TDC proposal. Your concerns are confirmed in the meantime. Nobody thanked you for paying attention and for your dedication to TDF. Instead, you got undue criticism, attacks, unfair reviews. Some of you were exposed in public by your bosses.
I am really sorry for all this. I really hope that now the people who attacked you will publicly apologize to you. You had to stand a very embarassing situation.

Thank you for your service and passion for TDF. I really hope that this new board will trust the team and community much more than some past boards did.



I am sorry Osvaldo, for me your comment is absolutely out of place. Especially as a member of the Board of Directors. It does not seem a good precedent.