the following decision, which was taken in private on 2018-04-13, is now made public in accordance with our statutes.
Proposal: approve COSM project [ODF TC editor] proposal.
Outline: 10k EUR seed funding, and a capped max of additional 20k EUR to match other incoming funds, for this fiscal year.
Thorsten authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the Board.
The Board of Directors at the time of voting consists of 7 seat
holders without deputies. In order to be quorate, the vote needs to
have 1/2 of the Board of Directors members, which gives 4.
A total of 7 Board of Directors members have participated in the
vote. The vote is quorate.
From now on, motions can be passed with the agreement of a simple
majority of those participating. The majority threshold is currently
Result of vote: 5 approvals, 2 abstain, 0 disapprovals.
Decision: The proposal has been accepted.
This message is to be archived by the BoD members and their deputies.