[DECISION] change of travel policy wrt. kilometers driven



Change our travel policy at TDF/Policies/Travel - The Document Foundation Wiki to read

Old: "The use of personal cars is permitted, if this is the most economic transportation. Using a personal car in any case needs a signed travel report, including kilometers travelled. TDF will refund 0.30€ per _distance_ kilometer."

New: "The use of personal cars is permitted, if this is the most economic transportation. Using a personal car in any case needs a signed travel report, including kilometers travelled. TDF will refund 0.30€ per _driven_ kilometer.

TDF asks everyone to use the most cost efficient end-to-end means of transport for yourself, team-mates and materials. When cheaper public transportation is available, it should be preferred. Transporting event materials or excessive transfer times might be reasons for exemption. If in any doubt, please get confirmation before travel."

Change: Pay 0,30 € per _driven_ instead of _distance_ kilometer, effectively doubling the rate. This is in line with the tax regulations, but we ask to use reasonable means of transportation to keep costs low.

The Board of Directors at the time of voting consists of 7 seat holders without deputies. In order to be quorate, the vote needs to have 1/2 of the Board of Directors members, which gives 4.

A total of 5 Board of Directors members have participated in the vote. The vote is quorate.

From now on, motions can be passed with the agreement of a simple majority of those participating. The majority threshold is currently 3.

Result of vote: 5 approvals, 0 neutral, 0 disapprovals.
Decision: The proposal has been accepted.

This message is to be archived by the BoD members and their deputies.
