[DECISION] Authorize Sophie to sign invitation letters


the following decision, which was taken in private yesterday, is now made public in accordance with our statutes:

The board authorizes Sophie Gautier to sign the attached invitation letter for the LibreOffice Conference 2024 for known community members who are invited and for whom TDF covers the travel and the hotel at least partially.

The Board of Directors at the time of voting consists of 7 seat holders (not including deputies). In order to be quorate, the vote needs to have 1/2 or more of the Board of Directors members, which gives 4.

A total of 5 Board of Directors members have participated in the vote.

The vote is quorate.

Result of vote:
5 approvals: Eliane, Osvaldo, Italo, Simon, Laszlo; deputies Mike and Paolo support the motion as well
0 abstain
0 disapprovals

Decision: The proposal has been accepted.


Personally I get very impatient with some of the more extreme views of board transparency. It seems to me that letting all board discussion, details, conflict and so on spill out into a huge group, just serves to polarize & paralyze decision making - and (given a fairly constituted board) seems un-necessary.

However - this vote looks extraordinarily un-controversial, and indeed I think this has been common practice in past years, with or without a vote (I don’t remember one being done for that before). So I assume taking this vote in private is some sort of accident - it would have been easy to do publicly.

Luckily at the same time it is also rather unimportant =) so - it doesn’t particularly concern me either - but thought I’d point it out.

Mostly I’m glad to see the board getting on with its work and getting things voted on; keep it up ! =)


Sometimes the reason to vote in private is a specific document that either contains personal data, or already gives some sort of authorization due to the nature of it. Sharing that in public for everyone’s use is not always wise. :wink:

Probably text can be decoupled from the final document, but at least this year there’s a bit of time pressure.

Thanks to @sophi @PaoloVecchi @italovignoli and all the others for organizing a fantastic conference, I’m really looking forward to it! Thanks for all the work you do also behind the scenes!

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