These are the activities on which the Board of Directors is working and which will be discussed at the next meetings:
The situation regarding the free trademark licences for the sale of applications on the Microsoft and Apple stores, with Collabora, CIB and allotropia (the granting of the free licence constitutes e.g. an excess of power of representation);
The situation regarding the three tenders blocked following the lawyers’ opinions, with Collabora and Allotropia (the award of the tenders constitutes e.g. an excess of power of representation);
Versions 1.1 and 2 of the Procurement Policy and Version 2 of the Development Agreement (there are open discussions on these issues in this forum);
The proposal of a book to help developers without direct experience with the LibreOffice source code to reduce the learning curve and enable them to work on more complex development tasks (and eventually participate in bids);
A document that defines the meaning and use of the terms LibreOffice Technology, LibreOffice Ecosystem and LibreOffice Enterprise without any possibility of misunderstanding or misinterpretation.
In addition, the BoD has just begun discussing limiting the possibility of election to the BoD and MC to two consecutive terms, imposing a year of inactivity between the end of a term and the next election, and allowing transition from the BoD to the MC and vice versa only after the end of the term and the year of inactivity.
All this in order to encourage turnover in governance and to avoid fossilisation. It will probably be necessary to study a new electoral mechanism, similar to that of the OSI, where only part of the Board is renewed each year (staggered elections).