Hello to all,
Might I suggest that a discussion be had, either by the Board, or the ESC, and a decision be made of public record, as to where bugs relating to Collabora Productivity are to be reported ?
I have reported a number of bugs against Collabora Productivity in the LibreOffice bugzilla over several years (basically since the product was first released via the AppStore).
I see now that my reports are being closed as NOTOURBUG, and being told that I should report them to Collabora.
Having been consistently told to report them on the LO BZ over these many years, this approach has come both as somewhat of a surprise, and a disappointment.
when was this change decided ? I see nothing of public record ?
if the decision wass made to shift responsibility for these back to Collabora, would someone from that entity please indicate where the bugs should now be reported, or whether there is some mechanism in place to automatically transfer the bugs to a corresponding Collabora instance like we did when we moved from Apache BZ ?
I have the distinct and unpleasant impression that the current tensions within the Board have led to an undocumented decision to purge all traces of Collabora bugs from the LO BZ instance without regard for the people who have actually tried to help improve the product by reporting those bugs.
I would have appreciated there being some kind of public decision making process in this regard, with a means for currently reported bugs to be automatically transferred.
Closing them as NOTOURBUG without any due process just smacks of petty revenge actions, and does not bode well for the future wellbeing of the project IMO.