Changes must be made in images of Chapter 8 of Calc Guide 7.6

Several images Chapter 08 of the Calc 7.5 and Work in Progress version 7.6 guide are inserted within tables. figures 2, 3, 6, 7, 11 (also some tables with images are not centered)

This causes inconveniences both in printed or PDF publication and in Web publication (The bookshelf).

– In the printed publication there are no major drawbacks except for figure 11 (a very tall table): the reference to the figure links point to the end of the table, so the cells at the beginning are not visible.

– In the Web publication some legends are below the tables with images and some of these are not centered.

I think the positioning of the images should be modified by eliminating the tables.
In cases where the images are together (figure 2), merge them into a single image with an external program
and in other cases such as Figure 11, extracting the images from the table, separating them and assigning them the corresponding legend of the table). and Condition the text of the references to the new situation of the images

According to the instructions on page 7 of Web Output Specifications

Table formatting
There are two uses of tables in Guides chapters: contents positioning and contents data.
Contents positioning table (CPT)
Normally CPT’s have no borders, no caption and no background. The purpose is to place contents in a given arrangement in the page. For example, images side by side. Wherever possible, these type of table should be avoided, and the arrangement of objects resolved in another way.