Calc Guide Chapter 13: Calc as a Simple Database

p.296. "Be certain to check out" not idiomatic. Should be "be sure to check out" or just "check out".
  "to associate a range of cells to a meaningful name" should be "to associate...with a meaningful name" or "to a meaningful name".

p.297. Table 25 is a long way away! It might be an idea to say "Table 25 on p.317".
p.304. "found to be commonly used" should be just "commonly used"

p.311. STDEVP and STDEVPA have the same definition. I think the definition for STDEVPA should have added "The value of text is 0".
  VARPA: "The value of a text" should be "The value of text".

p.312. Shouldn't the SUBTOTAL example specify the COUNT function?

p.314. Reference to Table 25 should be Table 13.

p.317. Reference to Table 16 should be Table 26.