Calc Guide 7.5 formatting errors

@ohallot I have found a lot of formatting errors in the Calc Guide 7.5. These include many Listing captions separated from the listing itself, and other unfortunate page breaks, but there may be other errors as well. I can fix these and provide replacement files, but is it worth my time to do so? Will you be further revising this book?
Also, do you want a printed edition to be made available?

Hi @jeanweber

Yes I intend to update the Calc guide. These formatting errors escaped me because after leafing pages and pages for a long time, you get naturally tired. If you can help me to fix them, I’ll appreciate very much.

The printed version will be welcome

Thank you for your help


Most of these are actually template errors.

@ohallot Chapter 7, Printing etc is missing from the Published folder in NextCloud. The ODM is set to pick up a file with your initials and date appended, which is not there. – Jean

Hi Jean

I added the missing file and rebuild the master document links. I have not touched the chapters. I have not exported as PDF not as ODT. Let me know if I have to do it.


@ohallot I still do not see Chapter 7 in the Published folder. I do see the updated master doc (ODM). --Jean

Please check again.
(My folder synchronization with TDF is broken at the moment and I have to fix it - no clue so far on what’s happening - but keep forgetting)

@ohallot Thanks! I got the file this time.
I have now made a lot of fixes to the formatting of the files and have uploaded a revised ODM and all the ODTs and PDFs for book and chapters. You can replace the published book files on the website.
Please be sure that any revisions or updates are done to the files I have amended. You may also wish to “clean” those files and replace them on NextCloud.
In the next day or two I should be able to finish the print edition. I’ll let you know when that is done.

@ohallot Print edition is now available.

All websites have now the LULU entry for printed books.

Thank you for the help @jeanweber .

Kind regards