Calc Guide 24 - for final review

Hi Team

After a carnival of LO24 crashes, workarounds of bugs and macro programming, I built the Calc Guide 24 for final review.

The files are in the /Published folder of the Calc Guide/24 in the cloud.

I may have overlooked some of the numbering issues and other details,


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I updated the PDF and some chapters after a new inspection.
Restart lists in ch 1, 2, 4, 11, 16
Extra blank page in ch 5
Bad link in ch 3.


Does the pdf outline show the chapter names now?

Hi !

Thanks for pointing it. It is now fixed.

Kind regards

@ohallot Print edition is here: LibreOffice 24 Calc Guide
I found one very bad page break in your file (Table 6, pages 188-189) and one list that did not start at 1 (page 309). Fixed in print edition.