CW 42/2012
join Transparency International (Florian)
draft Community Bylaws ("Community-Satzung") (Florian, Mike)
draft plan with regards to NGOs (Charles, Thorsten)
discussion currently taking place in private / following outcome from discussions in Paris
put AB and ESC on the website (Michael, Charles)
check existing sites on trademark usage (Florian, Mike drafting letter)
easy sign-off of TDF members for OASIS membership obligations like IPR policy
prepare contract for capital investment (Björn, Andreas)
contract Mike for writing e-mail policy (Thorsten)
CW 48/2012
CeBIT coordination
CW 50/2012
LibOCon 2013 plannings
travel refunds for Hackfest Munich
travel refunds for Google Mentor Summit
travel refunds for LibOCon 2012
travel refunds for Berlin Foundations Day
draft policy/contract for people holding domains on behalf of TDF
fill in credit card compliance questionnaire (Florian)
handle Q4/2012 MC filings
draft end of year donation text
apply for donation seal