Board Member And Tendering

Hi all,

I started a new thread because some insight could cool down the heat a
bit and some participants get another view on some topics.

1) All board members are responsible for the whole budget.

2) It is not possible that one or more board member 'cherry-pick' budget
items, where they have a CoI, and exclude them from their responsibility.

3) Thus if the budget comprise some tender for working on source code
the companies with any connection to a board member (deputy) had to be
exclude from bidding on this tenders (including working as a
subcontractor). If that wouldn't be the case it would take the risk of
corruption / nepotism on TDF, which would damage the reputation of the
foundation and cut down the stream of donations. In addition it could
also be seen as a violation of the ban of self-dealing respectively the
raison d'etre of this prohibition. This embargo is written in the
foundation statutes (and could not be paused, e.g. by a board decision).

4) Because the current members of the board has connection to at least
four LibreOffice software companies, this companies were not allowed to
work - payed by resources from TDF - on the source code. At least this
four companies are not allowed to take part in the tendering process
(not even as subcontractor).
