Base Guide 7.2 Chapter "List Box"

Hi *,

looking or the chapter "List Box" (Forms → Form Properties → Properties of controls → List Box).
Content is there, but header appers at the end of chapter "Formatted field" in Base Guide 7.2. So it won't appear as separate entry.
Hope it will be corrected in Base Guide 7.3



Hi All,

Thanks for that Robert.

Just to clarify, I think that you are referring to Chapter 4 Forms. Between Figures 16 and 17 (page 23 in the chapter file), there is a list item entitled "Events tab". At the end of that item is the text "List box", which should be a heading on a new line, with the Heading 3 style.

Olivier, this problem still exists in the file in the Published folder. Would it be possible to correct it before final publication?



Hi Steve,

Just to clarify, I think that you are referring to Chapter 4 Forms. Between Figures 16 and 17 (page 23 in the chapter file), there is a list item entitled "Events tab". At the end of that item is the text "List box", which should be a heading on a new line, with the Heading 3 style.

Exactly. I have seen this while there was a post for Listboxes in ask.libreoffice and couldn't find this header, special in online version of Base Guide 7.2.
See on the left - no list box appears.



Thanks for the Heads-up