I added the Base and Getting Started 7.3 covers (SVG, PNG and thumbnail) to the folder
/LibreOffice Documentation/English/Contributor Resources/Cover7.3/
in the cloud.
Kind regards
I added the Base and Getting Started 7.3 covers (SVG, PNG and thumbnail) to the folder
/LibreOffice Documentation/English/Contributor Resources/Cover7.3/
in the cloud.
Kind regards
Sure and Thank you.
Hi Oliver
Are there copies of these covers that we can localize?
I mean replacing the text into the native lanquage.
HI Kees
The localizable copies are SVG files with extension svg. You can use Inkscape to open the svg files and edit the strings. They are located in the same folder as above. Save the localized covers under your language folder.
You must also install the Trueno fonts available in that folder in your system. Some strings use these fonts.
Do not use the svg files as cover. Use Inkscape to export to PNG with good resolution (300 dpi). It will result in a file ~2480x3508 and 3MB size. LibreOffice rendering of SVG has issues.
Thanks Oliver,
Why is it Trueno Sans and not Montserrat? XD
For the longest time, I was confused and wondered why my localized cover rendered in DejaVu if I already had installed Montserrat. I didn’t look closely and didn’t realize that we used a forked version of the font called Trueno. Thanks for the heads-up @ohallot <3