Almost June already, any news you want to share?

Hello all!
It’s so silent here, any news or feedback or concerns or requests you would like to share?
For example, how esLibre conference went this year? How the community is doing in Brazil or in France? Same for Suraj, Raal, Muthu, any feedback from your community to others?
That would be great to have news from you all :slight_smile:

We were planning to have the Latin American conference in Brazil this year, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (at the border with Uruguay). We were going to be supported by the IFSUL (a Federal Institute), but due to all the rain and flood in the state, the event will have to move to somewhere else. Gustavo Pacheco is leading the organization and defining a new venue for the event.
As for my work as liaison, I must admit that I have not been doing too much work. Although I keep on contributing with development, UX/Design and documentation, I have found it hard to act as liaison because the role is not as well defined. The only thing I can mention is that I keep participating in the weekly meetings of the Brazilian community and engaging with their initiatives
I have some plans for this year that seek to make use of one of my areas of expertise, which is macro development. I am planning to create a series of YouTube videos in Brazilian Portuguese providing the essentials for those wanting to start developing macros and extensions for LibreOffice. With this I hope to engage more people in the development of extensions and increase support for individuals and organizations that plan to migrate to LO.

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Hi Rafael,

First, thanks a lot for your feedback!

Yes, Gustavo told me about that, so sorry to hear about this catastrophic situation. I hope you’ll be able to organize your conference somewhere else when it will be back to something more quiet.

So you are right about the definition of the role. There are some details here:
but of course it should be adapted and maybe reworked taking into account the difficulties or the questions the Liaisons have.
I think the most important is to report back what you hear or discuss in your local community, if there are needs, if there is unhappiness, if there are questions or expectations and of course if there are good news, we want to read them too :slight_smile:

That’s a really great initiative, I’m sure it will help a lot and give ideas to others. Thanks a lot for all your work!