Access to Silverstripe

I am a Dutch translator and would like access to Silverstripe to link the files in the Dutch section on NextCloud to the Dutch documentation page.
Who can give me this access or where do I request this access?

With regards, Henk van der Burg

Hello Henk

To get access to silvestripe, please send a mail to website mailing list.

Website - The Document Foundation Wiki.

Kind regards

Hello Oliver,

The link you sent is about getting an account on NextCloud. I’ve been using that account for a long time.

In addition to the access to NextCloud, which I already have, I also like to have access to Silverstripe to link the Dutch files in NextCloud to the Dutch documentation page.

According to my co-translator, Kees Kriek, I had to send an email to to access Silverstripe.

I did that, but got no response.

Can you help me further.

Let me know.

With thanks and best regards,

Henk van der Burg

Hi Henk

With help from, you are now an editor of SilverStripe.

Please verify and let us know how it goes.


Hello Olivier,

I have access to Silverstripe. It works fine.

I have asked the hostmast to describe the procedure for access to Silverstripe or where this is described.

Thanks en best regards

Henk van der Burg