Questions to candidates: Term limits

No, I’m not.

Best, Thorsten

Hi Thorsten,

Isn’t the above sentence and what follows a demonstration of a libellous conduct?

Some got a CoC complaint for much less than that so “If you have evidence of mal-intent, please present it directly with the names of the people you are accusing.” (cit).

It would be probably a good opportunity for the current members of the board to learn how to deal with a CoC case in an objective and impartial way. I’m sure in a normal board no one would be instructing the board to dismiss a defence as “whataboutisms & distractions” or fabricating evidence to “support the opinion as written in the resolution” or anyone taking in consideration emails with false statements that had the intent of influencing the reporter and the board.

Is that what you really think?
I strongly disagree as we should learn by mistakes and use them as examples to setup rules and processes so that we minimise the risk of repeating them. True that it makes the board less fun but board members must be aware they are not only accountable toward the community but also liable for their actions. Keeping also good evidence of what has been done and said helps in in transparently demonstrating who is responsible for what both in positive and negative terms even in a court of law if that becomes necessary.

For the moment I take you outburst as the beginning of a positive process that unfortunately starts with projecting toward others your mistakes but at the end it will help you in processing them and improve yourself.



I’d like to conclude this discussion with the above statement, and wish everyone & our wonderful project a happy, prosperous and healthy year 2024!

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