LO 7.6 Writer Guide published

I had no response to my call for review of Writer Guide 7.6 chapters, so I’ve published them and the full book. @olivier please note PDF and ODT of the full book are also in the folder along with chapter ODTs.
If someone wants to review any of this, feel free. The book can be updated and/or your comments can be taken into account for the next release.
I’m sure much can be improved, and I may have failed to include something or change something.

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@ohallot Print edition of Writer 7.6 Guide is now available.

@ohallot Reminder: WG 7.6 ODT files need to be “cleaned” for translation.

Hello @jeanweber

The Lulu printed edition link was added to the websites.

I’m looking into the source files for “cleaning” (and exporting to HTML).

Kind regards

Hi @jeanweber

I have cleaned the files to my best and I uploaded an archive (WG76-clean.zip) with them in the WG76 folder.

Of course we are a team that stresses LibreOffice Writer capabilities and I hit some annoying bugs: 1) restart numbered lists at start of chapter must be done in Format - Paragraph, and 2) spotlight gives false positives with lists, and 3) a couple of crashes who knows why…

There was some fake lists (= Body Text + List), and “dust” in some applied styles. The fake list were corrected and the styles reapplied to blow the dust.

I also saw a few paragraphs that starts with [macOS] and [all] (chapter on printing), so I leave them to you.

(and my mouse wheel must have run 100’s of miles :slight_smile: )


2 small mistakes on page 189:
“If it not visible”
“You can add styles to the this toolbar”

Mistake on page 49:
“you can chose”

Mistake on page 26:
“It shows how the document will look when printed it or exported as a PDF.”

page 61:
Cycle Case also cycles through sentence case.

Mistake on page 76:
“You can also navigate use the keyboard:”

Mistake on page 70:
“select Edit > Track Changes > Protect on the Menu bar
(“on the Menu bar” should not be bold)

Mistake on page 72:
“and the change in indicated by a mark in the margin.”

Mistake on page 79 (should it not be “updates”?):
“To ensure that the text of cross-references update if a heading, caption, or other linked item is
reworded, use automatic cross-references.”

Mistake on page 346:
“You can also delete the index from the Navigator by choosing Index > Delete
in the menu shown in Figure Error: Reference source not found.”

Mistake on page 355:
“Example: Creating an table of figures”

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Page 347, Figure 359 differs from that in LO Writer
In LO Writer: зображення

Image in the guide

The errors reported in this thread were corrected in WG 24.2. Thank you to those who reported them.

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shouldn’t it appear in there : Writer Guides | LibreOffice Documentation - LibreOffice User Guides ?
(where google sent me)

not sure if it’s still the place … so, feel free to redirect where it belongs :

there’s a sort of (at least terminological) issue about wildcards p69 in PDF, contradiction with the note in Using Regular Expressions in Text Searches

from Documentation: Regular Expressions are no longer Wildcards

see also tdf#121854

We have a category to discuss Help issues at


This page is no longer maintained. A redirect to the main page should be put in place.

will it be ?
redmine or else ?

probably not a priority …

(not even talking about Chèque :frowning: )