Hi Webmaster for Lungstrom.com, *,
Webmaster for Lungstrom.com schrieb:
"We have finished the first step of our move and are up to prepare
Silverstripe and the iso generating scripts on libreofficebox.org
for multilingual use"
What does this mean? It seems to read that there will be a script
that will generate an ISO file "on demand" for the visitor.
No. This enables authoring Your DVD in Silverstripe and have the
contents extracted to static html after that, which is required for
building the ISO.
I don't se any advantage by ISO on demand. I'd assume a throughought
testing before each release rises quality significantly.
I do not know about "you" but it takes over 15 minutes to generate a
4 GB DVD on a dual core 2GHz Vista machine.
Our 2.8G ISO needs 3m 55s included creating md5sum so I assume the
software You use isn't very effective.
No, not for the visitor but for the teams. Our service is focussed
on the community, the services for visitors are up to the teams.
I would like to know more about this, if someone would send to me this
information - off the list
to this email address - webmaster@krackedpress.com
All information is provided here.
The dvd ui can be exported together with all linked files prior to
an upcoming release of a dvd into static html, the iso file will be
generated by script from this export.
I read this as saying there will be a script in the HTML page that
will look into a data base file for all the listed DVD projects and
display this list for the visitor to see. Then if there is a new
project to be added to the list, you add it to the data base file
and not change the code or scripts on the HTML page that displays
the list.
No. This refers to the content extraction I described.
I can get to be very "long winded" in person,
You can write as much as You like. ;o)) If You are interested in people
reading it though, then it might be a good idea to keep it as short as
Thanks again for your help. Would you like your "team" email address
as a LibreOfficeBox contact listed on our domain's root index page?
The contact form link already in place targets the team alias. So no
need to set the spam friendly mailto: link.
Also, would you or some other member of that team want/need FTP
read/write access to the domain web folders?
I don't see any need for this.
I just wish you guys/gals clocks were not 5 or 6 hours ahead of my
clock. The email with conference call info reminded me that it would
be nice to get some type of real time conversation with the
TDF/LibreOffice team[s] and Steering Committee members.
The team members for the North American Project are in timezones that
are 5+/- to 10+/- hours behind Germany.
The timezone issue is the less challenge on this.
Many of the non native english people including me can write and read
english on a reasonable level, but hear/understand and speak live
particularly not seeing the counterpart during a telephone call is
definitly high stress and doesn't make conversation easy as You might