LibO Documentation

Ngày 11/11/10 9:23, Nguyen Vu Hung (kiei) vie^'t:

Following is a test:

Vietnamese: Tie^'ng Vie^.t hie^?n thi. ?u+o+.c không nhi??

You see,

Japanese and Chinese (Unicode) appeared to be broken on the list
And Vietnamese Unicode becomese VIQR.

This is what I noticed in the emails's header:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; format="flowed"

Hi :slight_smile:
Lol, i thought we were going to have to fight them (the devs) to try to wrest control away from them, once people had time to start working on the Help files!
Regards from
Tom :slight_smile:

Hi :slight_smile:
Translating is not a trivial word-for-word replacement.  Some of the ideas and concepts might not make much sense and so there might be better ways of saying things so that they do make sense more easily.  Some words have implications and nuances in some languages that they don't have in others.  That is why Machine Translators (such as Google Translate) make such humorous gaffes sometimes.
Regards from
Tom :slight_smile: