Draw Guide 24.8

All chapters and the complete user guide for LibreOffice Draw 24.8 are now available in the Published and PDF folders on NextCloud.

Please let me know if you make any changes so that I can keep the master files up to date.


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HI @PeeWee

The Draw Guide has been uploaded in the documentation and bookshelf websites.

Thank you for the work

Kind regards

Hello Olivier

I have put the Math Guide 24.8 and its chapters into Published and PDF folders on NextCloud. Will you be able to publish them to make available for LO users.

I think O do not have the authority to publish documents. Also, I have never uploaded files onto a website for release to LO users.


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HI Peter

The guides are available in the download websites.


Thank you for your assistance


The front cover of Math guide is really ugly and not what it looks like in the thumbnail.
Additionally, there is a small error with the left hand footers, (they do not have a separation between the “|” symbol and the name of the guide and therefore it affects all guides.

This bug is in the templates that I will update in the next version of SanityCheck.
In the meantime, it can be corrected by editing the left footer.

@ohallot @PeeWee Print edition of Draw Guide 24.8 is now available.