During the board meeting 2024-09-02, Italo proposed the following MOTION. The official minutes will be published soon, but we share the result of the vote with you today:
"I spent an entire weekend and part of a week studying all the documents we inherited from previous BoDs. I had already read them, and the re-reading served me to develop an approach to propose to the BoD with the aim of finding a solution within a reasonable timeframe.
To summarise all the documents in the extreme, we are faced with an almost inextricable series of problems that overlap and intertwine, to the point that I think it is impossible to deal with them all at once without unnecessarily complicating our lives.
We must then proceed with the elaboration of a procurement policy that is able to reactivate the tendering process, effectively and definitively (for reasons of project history, the one being elaborated is not sufficient for all cases).
Returning to the theme of this motion, I ask for approval of the approach whereby we will tackle problems - even if they are often related - one by one, and not as a whole, in order to simplify their solution through a more focused and less dispersed discussion."
Vote result: +1 from Eliane, Simon, Italo, Sophie, Osvaldo, Paolo, Laszlo
The vote was unanimously approved.