[DECISION] Remove deputy chair role from Emiliano, appoint László as new deputy chair

Hi Michael,

thank you for sharing you point of view.

I’m surprised as you are to see that the source you mentioned does not mark the term as rude.

I’ve checked also a term[0] that the chairman used to address another director an I’m surprised to see that isn’t marked as rude either.

Should we adapt and accept the use of terms that are not marked as offensive in that source but others find rude?

It could be difficult to find a clear rule that is acceptable for everyone as, as demonstrated by the term used by @nthiebaud, some colloquialisms and slang could be commonly accepted in some parts of the world but not in others.

According to that source one might use a specific term[1] to describe the level of intellectual efforts the chairperson put into evaluating this specific issue. I would never use that term but following the example shown by @nthiebaud and seeing that both yourself and Cor don’t find it problematic then it seems to be permissible.

Others might find various terms that are not marked as rude to describe the majority of the board in relation to the results they achieved[2] as summarised in a document you found in your mailbox last night.

Defining an acceptable language isn’t such a simple matter as we can see.

The issue then is also the understanding of the matter at hand. Some seem to think that elected board members are free to do what they want while others understand that there are constraints which every legal entity must respect. This lack of understanding, in some cases the unwillingness to understand, is what leads to certain types of comments and to the document members of the board of trustees received.

I might have missed his name but it seems like @nthiebaud isn’t a member of the board of trustees so he might not have received the information that would allow him reconsider his statement in relation to performance of the majority of the board with which I disagreed for quite a while. It would have been his choice then to keep defining the minority as he did or to find other colourful terms for the majority of the board.


[0] BONEHEAD | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
[1] BLITHERING IDIOT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
[2] BLUNDERER | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

Hi Sophie,

Yes, of course I feel the same; I find it very unfortunate for Emiliano. The whole situation is of course not what we wanted to get into and clearly tried to prevent.
With my “I do take that as a support for …” I referred to what you also wrote in that sentence: “how he is publicly treated”. The whole situation is unfortunate and going into (personal) details in public will not improve the situation, nor make people feel better; rather the contrary.
Sorry that I made not clear enough to what part of your text I referred and how my thoughts around that are.

I have the pleasure to inform you that Emiliano is still Deputy Chairperson following a communication from the Berlin’s supervisory authority. As the decision has been disputed “a binding decision on this matter could only be reached through civil proceedings.”, “Mr. Vavassori is to be treated as continuing to hold this office” (machine translated)

Apologies to the team, who now has to redo some filings and updates of imprints possibly. Sorry for the extra work.

It would be great if the rest of the board apologised also to Emiliano for having caused distress and reputation damage by carrying on with a process that was clearly floored and unjustified.





Emiliano sent the board a mail (2023-12-06 21:21 UTC) in which he objected the boards decision. Which is of course his good right, as well as it is that he follows the rules of our statues, that tell how to dispute a boards decision, which he did not. What Emiliano didn’t do either, is mentioning in his objection that he admitted to problems that are behind the boards decision, when we discussing the situation in the board meeting in Bucharest this year. He also said he intended to improve and that clearly did not happen. Therefore I wrote a reply to his objection (2023-12-07, 17:58 UTC) stating those facts.
After that, I’ve heard nothing until this morning when a letter from the Berlin authorities was forwarded to the board.


I’ll see if the board manages to resolve the situation in our call tonite. The official statement now makes Emiliano a ‘disputed deputy chair’, which is perhaps not ideal.

There is something that I miss here.
How is it possible, for the authorities to resolve a situation like this, without any communication/hearing to the board/TDF, prior to the resolution?

Maybe translation tools aren’t as good as they say but the sentence seems to say:

“There is a dispute over the appointment of the Deputy Chairman.”

The dispute seems to be over the attempt of imposing a replacement not the current deputy chairman.

Emiliano has been confirmed, as from the certificate we received, in his position and there is no dispute about it.
