[DECISION] Appoint members of the membership committee and announce final election results

This is rather reminiscent of faction-partisan patterns from the last BoD, but this time with Cor on the receiving end. While I can’t deny a bit of schadenfreude in him getting a taste of the medicine he gleefully fed others - it was unfortunate then and is unfortunate now.

(Have some comments on other parts of that message but resisting the temptation to expand the scope of this thread.)

:wink: appreciate the humor and agree with your dislike.
But pls allow me to point out that before I/we put something to vote, usually there were discussions of weeks or more (going round in loops often, larded with person attacks and framing). There’s one case where it took already multiple months before there was agreement on a compromise and then with acting on that people changed their minds and it took another 2 or 3 months before we found a solution…
So I don’t see myself particularly as a reason for the change towards less compromising in the governance of our community.

Hi Italo,

Interesting that you were surprised to see my candidacy related to the, despite the all-clean setup new board, - apparently - still ongoing audit.
Audits must be run very well, and the board needs to cooperate closely with staff to make sure that all needed information is provided and the MC (representing the trustees) needs to look at that the board is doing that fair (and for sure staff could help spotting places where that maybe is not the case, if there were any). The board should not be left in the dark and the MC’s involvement should be more than a formal one where e.g. simple questions about progress of the audit could not be answered. (Notice any difference?)
An audit is serious, but there is no need to make it bigger than it is.
In case some topic comes at table in which there would be a CoI on my side, our procedures give the simple and clear way to handle.
Mind that in my candidacy I stated that my focus would be on core MC tasks, caring for the members.

Please allow me to state that I wonder why the resolution from the board used the words “legal matters also involve the past actions of the candidate” and not a common expression as e.g “cover the period that the candidate was director”??
The boards wording perfectly fits the badmouthing and character assassination that’s going on against me since more than two years, and in painting it all as drama and ‘caused by bad actions of…’
Possibly you are a victim of that too, which I could not blame you for, but…
Short: it’s hard to believe that my candidacy could create additional issues. One additional request however: if something causes you to be incredibly surprised, please don’t wait weeks, in which crucial procedural moments pass, to contact me.

What you are writing can be read as if you are suggesting that I’m not speaking the truth, that I’m willfully misleading my fellow members. I hope that is not the case.
But this situation is a new experience for you: it is coincidence and I can simply declare that under oath. To explain: it was already for some time that Michael and me both didn’t feel that our cooperation really made us happier people, so I decided to quit. As simple and human as it is, it is no one’s else business either.
Indeed, coincidentally it made it possible for me to stand for the MC. Being a member of the MC is a role that I know very well (9 or 10 years? in the past) and would love to fulfill (apparently carrying support from a large part of the community.)

I hope you do not support changing the rules during or after the game?

I’m sorry for what was confusing, but I tried my best and expect that my reply to Sophie is just clear.

It is noticeable that also the boards resolution says that I “rejected to answer the questions”. That is an incomplete and incorrect reference to what I wrote and denying the fact that I gave information.
The fact that I didn’t reply to the specific questions one by one, is for good reasons and doesn’t mean that I didn’t give the necessary information? I think I did, and even expressed in public that I’m open to look at questions left etc.

If you write that ‘I refused to provide clarification about the affiliation’ I’m wondering if you have missed one my mails Italo, or that the ongoing badmouthing about me, makes that people don’t believe my word… which is, looking at the basic rules in our community, quite problematic.


As I’m cited as “incredibly tough, inflexible & aggressive people.” I will reply that in the world I live in, you can’t be judge and party.
Meaning that:

  • with the work the audit has to achieve covering 2023,
  • the fact that TDF didn’t pass the one covering 2022 with the conclusion that TDF is in danger
  • the mess the foundation is in, unable to tender or pay previous work and that being only part of the legal issues
    I don’t see how Cor could be in the committee that supervise board activities and manage the communication with the auditor.

And I would have the same opinion and action for any other director who was in the previous board.

I’ve an ethic, and when a person is not able to manage correctly an issue about his affiliation, when this person was part of a board that left the foundation with several severe issues impacting its future, when again this person has a big conflict of interest if elected, then I can’t just let it go.

And I’m not happy at all to have to take this kind of decision, but the role of the board is to prevent further damages to the foundation.

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