Acceptance of MC role - Cor Nouws

I, Cor Nouws, elected member of the Membership Committee of The Document Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts. My term will start September 19, 2024.

Signed: Cor Nouws

Ich, Cor Nouws, gewähltes Mitglied des Mitglieder-Komitees der The Document Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 19. September 2024.

Unterzeichnet: Cor Nouws

In my opinion, smart and reasonable people who have contributed to The Document Foundation’s recent and ongoing difficulties would facilitate a healing phase by withdrawing rather than burdening the process by their renewed presence. And in my experience, people who are part of the cause of the problems are rarely suitable to be part of the solution.

Meiner Meinung nach würden kluge und vernünftige Menschen, die zu den jüngsten und anhaltenden Schwierigkeiten von The Document Foundation beigetragen haben, eine Heilungsphase erleichtern, indem sie sich zurückziehen, anstatt den Prozess durch ihre erneute Präsenz zu belasten. Und nach meiner Erfahrung sind Menschen, die mit die Ursache der Probleme sind, selten geeignet, Teil der Lösung zu sein.

À mon avis, les personnes intelligentes et raisonnables qui ont contribué aux difficultés récentes et persistantes de The Document Foundation faciliteraient une phase de guérison en se retirant plutôt qu’en alourdissant le processus par leur présence renouvelée. Et d’après mon expérience, les personnes qui sont en partie à l’origine des problèmes sont rarement aptes à faire partie de la solution.

Em minha opinião, as pessoas inteligentes e sensatas que contribuíram para as dificuldades recentes e contínuas da The Document Foundation facilitariam um período de cura se se afastassem em vez de sobrecarregar o processo com sua presença renovada. E, em minha experiência, as pessoas que fazem parte da causa dos problemas raramente estão aptas a fazer parte da solução.

En mi opinión, las personas inteligentes y razonables que han contribuido a las dificultades recientes y actuales de The Document Foundation facilitarían un periodo de curación dando un paso atrás en lugar de sobrecargar el proceso con su renovada presencia. Y, según mi experiencia, las personas que son parte de la causa de los problemas rara vez son aptas para formar parte de la solución.

A mio parere, le persone intelligenti e ragionevoli che hanno contribuito alle recenti e continue difficoltà della The Document Foundation faciliterebbero un periodo di guarigione facendo un passo indietro piuttosto che appesantire il processo con la loro nuova presenza. Per mia esperienza, le persone che sono parte della causa dei problemi raramente sono adatte a far parte della soluzione.


So the voters are wrong. They only get it right when it is in one’s interest.

Fully informed voters are never wrong.

What does it mean to be ‘fully informed’? As voters, we have the level of information we want to have, it is our responsibility. Am I wrong, or did everyone have the possibility to ask what they wanted?